Have you ever wondered if you could make money online in a convenient way as a student? Well, if you haven’t wondered about such a thing, then you’re missing out on a lot. There’s always an opportunity to make money as a student, and one of the known ways is selling notes.
Let’s say you’re a good notetaker. Most of your notes are up to date, and you feel you could sell them for a couple of dollars. Many online websites pay people to sell lectures or study notes to them.
In today’s topic, we’ve curated the best note-selling websites for students. You can sell lecture notes on these websites and make a good profit. It is a side hustle you can take as a student, and it’s super safe and convenient.
While considering a good website to sell notes as a student, OneClass is quite the perfect place to get started. This website will pay you as a note seller who provides notes for specific classes.
Making money with OneClass isn’t quite difficult; you’ll only need to apply as a note-taker. Once your application goes through, you will provide notes for each ongoing lecture.
OneClas is an outstanding website that offers a way for students to make money online. You could earn as low as $470 per class.
Stuvia is a very popular website for selling notebooks. One reason you should use Stuvia is that you can sell not just notes alone but other forms of documents. You can sell different types of notes on Stuvia.
The website has a very simple user interface. Once you create your account, you can start selling notes. Earning on Stuvia is very simple; you could start off for as low as $8.
If you’re a student who wants to earn money by writing notes, courses, or documents, Stuvia is one of the best websites to visit.
One of the best websites for selling notes as a student is Nexus Notes. Getting started on Nexus Notes is very simple. You’ll need to create an account, and then you can start selling.
You can upload notes or create them on the website, which has a text editor with customizable note templates. In addition to selling notes, you can collaborate with other students on Nexus Notes.
With Nexus Notes, you can earn while learning. It is an outstanding website for uploading notes and selling them.
One of the reasons you’ll love Docmerit is that it pays people very fast. If you make your first or second sale, your payments will be processed within 24 hours. Docmerit makes it all easy. You’ll start by uploading, setting your price, and holding on for your profit.
If you provide quality study notes, you could even earn more and be one of the top sellers. You can begin with Docmerit easily; the whole process is very easy. You’d be able to earn a fortune with Docmerit.
StudySoup offers one of the fastest and easiest ways to sell notes online. The first step is to create an account. Then, upload your notes, set your price, and wait for your first sale.
There’s a 48-hour payout option on StudySoup, so you’ll get your money within a day or two. Depending on your sales, you could earn as little as $400 and above.
Oxbridge Notes is also a good platform, but you’ll get paid 50% of your earnings in terms of commission. This website is a bit strict with its policies; it’s not easy to start selling instantly because there’s a pre-approval process.
You have to upload well-typed documents to upload notes. One thing you’ll love about Oxford Notes is that it allows different varieties of notes. You can also sell exam questions. It’s a good website for selling notes.
With Studypool, you can nothing less than $5000 monthly by selling just study documents, even if a student views your document without buying, you’d get a $10 incentive.
Studypol allows you to sell study documents for different types of subjects. For Example, you can sell study documents for Algebra, Accounting, Computer Science, etc.
Aside from selling study documents, you can apply to be a tutor on Studypool. Studypool is one of the best note-selling websites out there.
Nothing beats getting rewards for one’s effort. Notesale makes students earn profits for selling their study materials. As a student, you only need to register and upload your notes.
Notesale boasts as one of the best places to sell study notes. The website has a simple interface and is also very easy to navigate.
If you don’t want to sell notes, you can also find study notes to read on Notesale. This website is outstanding at what it does.
GradeBuddy is another website to sell notes. Courses are usually more profitable on GradeBuddy. You can earn up to $500 for a single course.
Becoming a note seller on GradeBuddy simply means you’re becoming an ambassador. You’ll have to produce the best notes for students who depend on them.
When signing up on GradeBuddy, you’ll start by choosing your school. The registration procedures are pretty simple. GradeBuddy is a good place to sell notes.
NoteXchange is a great website to consider if you want to sell notes as a student. It’s basically a place to buy and sell notes, and it offers some add-ons.
Aside from selling notes, you can sell exam notes and study guides, or flashcards. You can also offer tutoring services.
You’ll get a 50% commission from any note sold on NoteXchange. It’s not a bad place to make money while selling study notes.
Overall, these are the best note-selling websites for selling study notes, courses, etc. Each listed website offers different commissions. While some pay with hours, some are different, but regardless, they’re still the best place to sell study notes as a student.
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