Reaching out to a new contact via Telegram can be frustrating if you receive an error alert every time you want to send a message. Naturally, it can raise some curiosity and concern about what it is and why it occurred in the first place. But most importantly, you need to know how to fix this issue so that you can only send messages to mutual contacts on Telegram. Don’t worry, we are here to put your doubts away! Let’s unravel this mystery.
How to Fix You Can Only Send Messages to Mutual Contacts on Telegram
Get rid of annoying error messages and enjoy uninterrupted communication with your friends and family. Continue reading to find out how.
Method 1: Via Spam Info Bot
The best way to get back the full functions of your Telegram account is to get in touch with the Spam Info Bot. It gives users a thorough explanation of why it occurred and assists them in verifying any active account limitations.
Option 1: From Mobile
You can easily access the Spam Info bot from the Telegram app:
- Open Telegram and tap on Chats from the bottom ribbon.
- Type in Spam Info Bot in the search bar and select the official channel.
- Tap on Start.
- Select But I can’t message non-contacts! from the options window.
- Tap on Submit a complaint.
- Tap on No, I’ll never do that! If the bot asks you to confirm not sending any unsolicited messages, false advertisements, or promotional messages to strangers.
- Select from Yes or No if the bot asks whether your account has been limited recently.
- Type in a detailed complaint and tap on the send icon.
The Spam Info bot will successfully review and lift your complaint in some time.
Option 2: From Desktop
You can also do the same if you are using the web version of Telegram:
- Log in to your Telegram account and type in Spam Info Bot in the search bar from the left menu.
- Follow steps 2-8 from the previous heading, How to Fix You Can Only Send Messages to Mutual Contacts on Telegram, Method 1: Via Spam Info Bot, Option 1: Via Mobile.
Soon you will be able to use Telegram normally.
Method 2: Via Settings
Another way to solve your issue by enabling all users to be able to message you to make your account less restrictive. Here’s how you can do this:
- Open Telegram and tap on Settings from the bottom right corner.
- Swipe down and tap on Privacy and Settings.
- Select Messages under PRIVACY.
- Tick on Everybody under WHO CAN SEND ME MESSAGES.
This way you contact users who are not in your contact list and do not have a Premium account on Telegram.
How Long Does a Telegram You Can Only Send Messages to Mutual Contacts Ban Last?
If your account does not have a continuous rapport of getting limited, then the first restriction can last for a few hours to days. However, terms will rise if users don’t stop complaining about the account. After that, the account may be permanently blocked.
Can Non-Mutual Contacts Message Me on Telegram?
Yesif a non-mutual contact has your account username, they can search it up and message you on Telegram if your message settings are put to everybody.
Also Read: This Group Channel Can’t Be Displayed Error Telegram: Why and How to Fix (2024)
We hope now you can easily understand how to fix you can only send messages to mutual contacts on Telegram after checking out the methods shown in this guide. If you have any suggestions or queries, do reach out to us in the comment section. Keep catching up with HowToGetIPTV for more such new tech related walkarounds.
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