Oh no! Your Password Is on Fire. Quick, Put it Out!

The Password Game is fun and stressful at the same time. If you have been looking for a game to spend your free time on, then this is the one you should play.

This game is all about quick wit and the ability to solve all the quirky rules given by the game. You may start easy, but the rules will get more difficult as you go on with the game.

There’s one rule in the game that causes your password to catch on fire and be deleted. If you don’t solve this rule, the password will be damaged more, and you will have to solve all the rules again.

But how to put out the password in this rule? This article will guide you on how you can solve ‘Oh no! Your password is on Fire. Quick, put it out!’ in The Password Game.

Solve ‘Oh No! Your Password is on Fire. Quick, Put it Out’ in The Password Game

Going further in the game, you will have to protect Paul (the egg) that you were given in Rule 17 of The Password Game.

Solve ‘Oh No! Your Password is on Fire. Quick, Put it Out’ in The Password Game

Rule 20 of the game says, ‘Oh no! Your password is on fire. Quick, put it out!’ When you reach this rule, a fire emoji will pop up on your password, and you will start deleting it.

You will have to extinguish the fire before it reaches Paul or delete the complete password. Well, if you have kept Paul at the end of the password, then you have still got some time.

For this, simply keep deleting the fire emojis as soon as they appear. Take your cursor next to the fire emoji and keep pressing the backspace until they no longer appear.

You will have to be quick enough to solve the password. If the fire reaches Paul (the egg) and eats him from the password, then you will get a message on the screen saying ‘Paul has been slain.’ Now this means the game is over and you will have to start again.

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