Google's 'Willow' quantum processor defies the impossible: billion-year-old math problems solved in a flash

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IN BRIEF 🚀 Google unveils “Willow”, a quantum processor capable of solving problems in minutes, surpassing supercomputers. The technologies of error correction integrated technologies allow an exponential reduction of errors with the addition of physical qubits. Willow's performance paves the way for revolutionary applications in cryptographychemistry and artificial intelligence. Challenges remain in scaling these technologies …

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When The Last of Us merges with Fallout: this new open-world RPG promises an unrivaled post-apocalyptic experience

ce rpg revolutionnaire fusionne lrsquointensite de the last of us et fallout dans un monde ouvert epoustouflant sur steam

IN BRIEF 🌍 Explore a open world immersive game inspired by Fallout environments, with varied landscapes and advanced interactivity. 🎭 Discover deep characters and endearing, whose relationships and choices directly influence the evolution of the story. 📖 Dive into a captivating narrationfilled with twists and deep themes that enrich the gaming experience. ⚔️ Adopt innovative …

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Transform your Cyberpunk 2077 sessions: this simple tweak improves graphics on PC with DLSS 3.5

transformez vos sessions cyberpunk 2077 un simple reglage decuple les graphismes sur pc avec dlss 35

IN BRIEF 🎮 Cyberpunk 2077 overcame its rocky start with regular updates and patches, enriching the player experience. 💡 Technology integration DLSS 3.5 from NVIDIA delivers sharper graphics and optimized performance for PC gamers. 🔧 Adjusting the game's graphics settings helps maximize hardware capabilities, visually transforming Night City. 🚀 Continuous improvements herald a promising future …

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