This spectacular leap in quantum computers will change the world forever: here's why

ce bond spectaculaire des ordinateurs quantiques va changer le monde a jamais

Recent advances in quantum computers have captured the world's attention. Microsoft and Atom Computing announced that they have set an impressive record by creating the largest number of entangled logical qubits. These qubits are essential for developing quantum computers capable of correcting their own errors. This breakthrough could well be the long-awaited turning point in …

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The best tips for taking great city photos using your smartphone


Big cities are full of energy, movement and vitality, making them an ideal destination for photography lovers. From towering skyscrapers to lively streets, cities have many inspiring sights waiting to be captured. However, filming these scenes can be challenging due to crowds and large spaces. During my recent trip to New York City, I explored …

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Simple settings to speed up your Chrome browser and improve its performance

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I love Google Chrome for its intuitive interface and versatility. However, it consumes a lot of memory, and you may notice that it becomes sluggish after prolonged use. So you may find that browsing the Internet can become annoying when Chrome starts to slow down. Whether you're experiencing lag in loading pages or sluggishness while …

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Simple settings to speed up your Chrome browser and improve its performance


I love Google Chrome for its intuitive interface and versatility. However, it consumes a lot of memory, and you may notice that it becomes sluggish after prolonged use. So you may find that browsing the Internet can become annoying when Chrome starts to slow down. Whether you're experiencing lag in loading pages or sluggishness while …

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