This fuel-free space engine defies the laws of physics and could revolutionize our journey to the stars

ce moteur spatial sans carburant defie les lois de la physique et pourrait revolutionner notre voyage vers les etoiles

IN BRIEF 🚀 A NASA engineer is developing a fuelless propulsion defying the laws of physics. ⚙️ The engine uses principles electromagnetic to generate thrust without mass expulsion. 🌌 If viable, this innovation could revolutionize space exploration reducing fuel requirements. 🔍 Criticisms and controversies persist, calling into question the compatibility with established physical laws. Space …

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Mars: this revolutionary concrete combines regolith and human blood to build cities at 2 million dollars per brick

mars ce beton revolutionnaire allie regolithe et sang humain pour batir des cites a 2 millions de dollars la brique

IN BRIEF 🚀 Ambition to colonize Mars faces construction challenges, with costs estimated at two million dollars per brick. Researchers propose using the Martian regolith combined with bodily fluids to create an innovative building material called AstroCrete. Inspired by ancient techniques, this approach would use human serum albumin to strengthen the résistance of the material. …

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“Tremble, Earthlings”: NASA’s Europa Clipper probe activates its scientific instruments en route to Jupiter

tremblez terriens lenigmatique sonde europa clipper de la nasa devoile ses secrets celestes

IN BRIEF 🚀 The probe Europa Clipper NASA begins deploying its scientific instruments to explore Europa. The magnetometer and radar antennas are essential for detecting an ocean beneath the icy surface. The mission aims to determine whether Europe's environment could potentially shelter life. The journey includes gravity assist maneuvers around Mars and the Terre before …

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8 Best YouTube Channels for General Knowledge & Learning

Best YouTube Channels for Knowledge Learning

E-learning videos have become a potent learning tool in this new knowledge era. They add dynamic elements to your knowledge, improve it, demonstrate complex practices, and help you understand difficult topics. That is why YouTube has gained massive importance in learning and gaining general knowledge. The eLearning videos on YouTube are delightful and have straightforward …

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