Google's 'Willow' quantum processor defies the impossible: billion-year-old math problems solved in a flash

ce processeur quantique de google resout en 5 min un mystere vieux de 10 septillions drsquoannees un exploit siderant

IN BRIEF 🚀 Google unveils “Willow”, a quantum processor capable of solving problems in minutes, surpassing supercomputers. The technologies of error correction integrated technologies allow an exponential reduction of errors with the addition of physical qubits. Willow's performance paves the way for revolutionary applications in cryptographychemistry and artificial intelligence. Challenges remain in scaling these technologies …

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The world's coldest fridge lowers quantum computers to a record 0.022 degrees above absolute zero

ce refrigerateur quantique revolutionnaire atteint 22 millikelvin et promet de transformer lrsquoavenir des ordinateurs quantiques s

IN BRIEF 🌡️ Chalmers quantum refrigerator reaches record temperatures of 22 millikelvinimproving the stability of qubits. 🔍 This innovation uses circuits superconductors and operates without external control thanks to ambient heat. 🔬 By reducing qubit errors, this technology could transform areas like medicine and the encryption. 💡 The refrigerator's autonomous system facilitates the deployment of …

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This titanic 20 billion watt project: the United States is preparing to revolutionize global energy thanks to unlimited renewable resources

20 milliards de watts cette revolution energetique us electrise le monde et promet une puissance illimitee pour tous

IN BRIEF ⚡ The United States is investing massively in an inexhaustible source of energy, aiming to produce 20 billion watts. 🔬 Key technologies include nuclear fusionsolar and wind energy, which promise an energy revolution. 📈 This investment generates jobs and strengthens the United States' international position in renewable energy. 🌍 The environmental implications are …

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12 Best Free Code Editors For Mac (2025) – TechDator

Best Free Code Editors for Mac min

Every operating system has its predetermined functions and capabilities to do the task. They are different from each other and support different system software and application software to do the task. Let’s see the best editor apps for your Mac computer, which will help you in many ways, like remembering something, coding, programming, and highlighting. …

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This fuel-free space engine defies the laws of physics and could revolutionize our journey to the stars

ce moteur spatial sans carburant defie les lois de la physique et pourrait revolutionner notre voyage vers les etoiles

IN BRIEF 🚀 A NASA engineer is developing a fuelless propulsion defying the laws of physics. ⚙️ The engine uses principles electromagnetic to generate thrust without mass expulsion. 🌌 If viable, this innovation could revolutionize space exploration reducing fuel requirements. 🔍 Criticisms and controversies persist, calling into question the compatibility with established physical laws. Space …

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Transform your Cyberpunk 2077 sessions: this simple tweak improves graphics on PC with DLSS 3.5

transformez vos sessions cyberpunk 2077 un simple reglage decuple les graphismes sur pc avec dlss 35

IN BRIEF 🎮 Cyberpunk 2077 overcame its rocky start with regular updates and patches, enriching the player experience. 💡 Technology integration DLSS 3.5 from NVIDIA delivers sharper graphics and optimized performance for PC gamers. 🔧 Adjusting the game's graphics settings helps maximize hardware capabilities, visually transforming Night City. 🚀 Continuous improvements herald a promising future …

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