12 Best CPU Benchmark Software For Windows PC (2025)

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Benchmarking is a way to evaluate your system’s performance. Whether your PC or laptop is new or old, benchmark software can check its performance and speed. Although the Internet offers an extensive collection of Windows PC benchmark softwarewe will look at some of the best ones. A Windows PC benchmarking software tells users about your system’s …

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Science Confirms: Playing Zelda Boosts Morale and Reduces Stress Like Never Before

plongee dans hyrule ce monde ouvert de zelda booste le moral et reduit le stress selon une etude choc

IN BRIEF 🎮 Games open world like Zelda: BOTW offer freedom of exploration that enhances mental well-being. 🧠 A study shows that these games engage cognitive mechanisms deep, promoting learning and personal accomplishment. ⛰️ The vast and diverse environments allow players to recharge their batteries and detach themselves from the numerical constraints. 📊 Testimonials highlight …

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When The Last of Us merges with Fallout: this new open-world RPG promises an unrivaled post-apocalyptic experience

ce rpg revolutionnaire fusionne lrsquointensite de the last of us et fallout dans un monde ouvert epoustouflant sur steam

IN BRIEF 🌍 Explore a open world immersive game inspired by Fallout environments, with varied landscapes and advanced interactivity. 🎭 Discover deep characters and endearing, whose relationships and choices directly influence the evolution of the story. 📖 Dive into a captivating narrationfilled with twists and deep themes that enrich the gaming experience. ⚔️ Adopt innovative …

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This fuel-free space engine defies the laws of physics and could revolutionize our journey to the stars

ce moteur spatial sans carburant defie les lois de la physique et pourrait revolutionner notre voyage vers les etoiles

IN BRIEF 🚀 A NASA engineer is developing a fuelless propulsion defying the laws of physics. ⚙️ The engine uses principles electromagnetic to generate thrust without mass expulsion. 🌌 If viable, this innovation could revolutionize space exploration reducing fuel requirements. 🔍 Criticisms and controversies persist, calling into question the compatibility with established physical laws. Space …

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Mars: this revolutionary concrete combines regolith and human blood to build cities at 2 million dollars per brick

mars ce beton revolutionnaire allie regolithe et sang humain pour batir des cites a 2 millions de dollars la brique

IN BRIEF 🚀 Ambition to colonize Mars faces construction challenges, with costs estimated at two million dollars per brick. Researchers propose using the Martian regolith combined with bodily fluids to create an innovative building material called AstroCrete. Inspired by ancient techniques, this approach would use human serum albumin to strengthen the résistance of the material. …

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