Image Preview Option is Missing From Context Menu in Windows 10

Fix Preview option missing in windows

Photographers deal with thousands of photos daily, and even a normal Windows 10 user uses the Preview feature to check the image. However, the Photos App is set as a default photo viewer in Windows, so the Preview option for the images is not visible. You might have seen this Preview option when you right-click …

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Windows 11 Installation Stuck? – (Here’s 8 Best Fixes)

Windows 11 Installation Stuck

Windows Update is a crucial stepping stone towards gaining more features, fixing bugs and issues in the previous patch, and ensuring better system stability with each update. If you are a Windows 11 (or other versions) user, it must be simply how many times your PC enters update mode, either when you turn it ON …

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Deleted Files Keep Coming Back on Windows 11

Deleted Files Keep Coming Back on Windows

Windows 11 is the best version of Windows OS compared to all previous editions. It has everything from a new look to support Android apps. You will fall in love with its snap layouts and multitasking arrangement. To sum up, Windows 11 is the perfect OS for the new generation of technology. However, people are …

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SCNotification Has Stopped Working – 5 Best Quick Fixes

SCNotification Has Stopped Working 1

SCNotification is a Microsoft system notification. SCNotification stands for System Center Notification, and the .exe extension is mainly used to indicate an executable file. This kind of file, in most cases, harms your computer. This SCNotification.exe is a system file implemented by Microsoft. It belongs to the System Center Configuration Manager, also known as SCCM. SCCM …

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Mem­o­ry Leak in Win­dows 11 (8 Best Ways) – TechDator

Mem o ry Leak in Win dows 11

Memory leaks are a common issue that has come a long way in Windows operating systems, and they can now occur in their new OS, Windows 11. People who use Windows or in the computer field already know about memory leaks. If not, then let me tell you when RAM memory mishandles any process. For …

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