Google's 'Willow' quantum processor defies the impossible: billion-year-old math problems solved in a flash

ce processeur quantique de google resout en 5 min un mystere vieux de 10 septillions drsquoannees un exploit siderant

IN BRIEF 🚀 Google unveils “Willow”, a quantum processor capable of solving problems in minutes, surpassing supercomputers. The technologies of error correction integrated technologies allow an exponential reduction of errors with the addition of physical qubits. Willow's performance paves the way for revolutionary applications in cryptographychemistry and artificial intelligence. Challenges remain in scaling these technologies …

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This completely free game, without PS Plus: PlayStation makes a mark with this discreet release to download immediately

ce jeu gratuit sur playstation promet un trophee platine en un temps record sans abonnement ps plus requis s

IN BRIEF 🎮 PlayStation launches a free game accessible without subscription, thus expanding its audience. 🧩 AAA Dynamic Scenes lets you transform animated landscapes into engaging puzzles. 🏆 The game allows you to obtain a platinum trophy in record time, attracting trophy hunters. 💰 With low-cost in-app purchases, the game offers cost-effective and flexible customization. …

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This titanic 20 billion watt project: the United States is preparing to revolutionize global energy thanks to unlimited renewable resources

20 milliards de watts cette revolution energetique us electrise le monde et promet une puissance illimitee pour tous

IN BRIEF ⚡ The United States is investing massively in an inexhaustible source of energy, aiming to produce 20 billion watts. 🔬 Key technologies include nuclear fusionsolar and wind energy, which promise an energy revolution. 📈 This investment generates jobs and strengthens the United States' international position in renewable energy. 🌍 The environmental implications are …

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This revolutionary folding Samsung for less than €1,000 could finally see the light of day in 2025 and shake up the market

ce samsung pliant revolutionnaire a moins de 800 e pourrait enfin voir le jour en 2025 et bouleverser le marche

IN BRIEF 📱 Samsung aims to revolutionize the market with an affordable folding smartphone planned for 2025. 💡 Technological advancements include sturdier screens and reinforced hinges. 💶 Consumers expect a model priced below €1000, combining sustainability and innovation. 🌍 Such a launch could redefine industry standards and stimulate global innovation. In the fascinating world of …

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OpenAI ready to challenge the future: humanoid robots to revolutionize human interaction?

openai pret a defier lrsquoavenir des robots humanoides pour revolutionner lrsquointeraction humaine scaled

IN BRIEF 🤖 OpenAI plans to develop humanoid robots, integrating its models ofartificial intelligence. 💡 Challenges include massive collection of data and improving the dexterity and the mobility des robots. 🔍 The ethical implications concern the confidentiality data and the impact onjob. 🌍 Humanoid robots could transform sectors such as healthl’industry and theeducation. Recent technological …

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This dazzling record: 24 entangled qubits promise to reinvent the future of quantum computing

ce record eblouissant 24 qubits intriques promettent de reinventer lavenir de linformatique quantique

IN BRIEF ✨ Researchers have set a new record by entangling 24 logical qubitsmarking a major advance in quantum computing. 🔬 Qubits, thanks to superposition and theentanglementoffer exponential computing capabilities compared to traditional systems. 🛠️ The processor neutral atoms and the platform virtualization of qubits have been essential for stabilizing quantum calculations. 🌍 This advance …

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