This completely free game, without PS Plus: PlayStation makes a mark with this discreet release to download immediately

ce jeu gratuit sur playstation promet un trophee platine en un temps record sans abonnement ps plus requis s

IN BRIEF 🎮 PlayStation launches a free game accessible without subscription, thus expanding its audience. 🧩 AAA Dynamic Scenes lets you transform animated landscapes into engaging puzzles. 🏆 The game allows you to obtain a platinum trophy in record time, attracting trophy hunters. 💰 With low-cost in-app purchases, the game offers cost-effective and flexible customization. …

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This titanic 20 billion watt project: the United States is preparing to revolutionize global energy thanks to unlimited renewable resources

20 milliards de watts cette revolution energetique us electrise le monde et promet une puissance illimitee pour tous

IN BRIEF ⚡ The United States is investing massively in an inexhaustible source of energy, aiming to produce 20 billion watts. 🔬 Key technologies include nuclear fusionsolar and wind energy, which promise an energy revolution. 📈 This investment generates jobs and strengthens the United States' international position in renewable energy. 🌍 The environmental implications are …

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Transform your Cyberpunk 2077 sessions: this simple tweak improves graphics on PC with DLSS 3.5

transformez vos sessions cyberpunk 2077 un simple reglage decuple les graphismes sur pc avec dlss 35

IN BRIEF 🎮 Cyberpunk 2077 overcame its rocky start with regular updates and patches, enriching the player experience. 💡 Technology integration DLSS 3.5 from NVIDIA delivers sharper graphics and optimized performance for PC gamers. 🔧 Adjusting the game's graphics settings helps maximize hardware capabilities, visually transforming Night City. 🚀 Continuous improvements herald a promising future …

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BMW revolutionizes electric autonomy: suspensions that transform shocks into energy, a world first

bmw revolutionne lautonomie electrique des suspensions qui transforment les chocs en energie une premiere mondiale

IN BRIEF 🚗 BMW offers innovative technology that transforms the movement of suspicions in electricity. 🔋 This solution aims to increase theautonomy electric cars by recovering kinetic energy. 🌍 The automotive industry is exploring ways to make vehicles more durables and effective. 💡 Challenges include assessing effectiveness, cost of implementation and sustainability of the system. …

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Mars: this revolutionary concrete combines regolith and human blood to build cities at 2 million dollars per brick

mars ce beton revolutionnaire allie regolithe et sang humain pour batir des cites a 2 millions de dollars la brique

IN BRIEF 🚀 Ambition to colonize Mars faces construction challenges, with costs estimated at two million dollars per brick. Researchers propose using the Martian regolith combined with bodily fluids to create an innovative building material called AstroCrete. Inspired by ancient techniques, this approach would use human serum albumin to strengthen the résistance of the material. …

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This dazzling record: 24 entangled qubits promise to reinvent the future of quantum computing

ce record eblouissant 24 qubits intriques promettent de reinventer lavenir de linformatique quantique

IN BRIEF ✨ Researchers have set a new record by entangling 24 logical qubitsmarking a major advance in quantum computing. 🔬 Qubits, thanks to superposition and theentanglementoffer exponential computing capabilities compared to traditional systems. 🛠️ The processor neutral atoms and the platform virtualization of qubits have been essential for stabilizing quantum calculations. 🌍 This advance …

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