Mars: this revolutionary concrete combines regolith and human blood to build cities at 2 million dollars per brick

mars ce beton revolutionnaire allie regolithe et sang humain pour batir des cites a 2 millions de dollars la brique

IN BRIEF 🚀 Ambition to colonize Mars faces construction challenges, with costs estimated at two million dollars per brick. Researchers propose using the Martian regolith combined with bodily fluids to create an innovative building material called AstroCrete. Inspired by ancient techniques, this approach would use human serum albumin to strengthen the résistance of the material. …

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How to Download Research Papers for Free (100% Working)

Research paper

Research papers tremendously enhance anyone’s resume and profile as an applicant. This can help you to get into your dream university for a Master’s or Ph.D. program. However, choosing the best possible research topic for your thesis or dissertation in the shortest time is tricky. But, you know what is more difficult? Well, downloading any …

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How To Check Proxy Server Settings On Windows PC

Check Proxy Server Settings min

A proxy server is mandatory for your accessibility to browsers and the Internet. Before we dive into what we need to do to check the proxy server settings on our computer, let us understand its means and how it operates. A Proxy Server is a gateway to all web-related activities. Every computer has access to …

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How To Get Moving Live Wallpaper in Windows 11 / 10 PC

Featured pic Windows 10

Windows 10 is one of the most convoluted operating systems Microsoft has ever created, but it does include many useful features. One of those features is moving live wallpaper. Getting a live wallpaper on your Windows 10/11 PC wouldn’t be challenging, but not many users are familiar with this. However, when we talk about Live …

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