The world's coldest fridge lowers quantum computers to a record 0.022 degrees above absolute zero

ce refrigerateur quantique revolutionnaire atteint 22 millikelvin et promet de transformer lrsquoavenir des ordinateurs quantiques s

IN BRIEF 🌡️ Chalmers quantum refrigerator reaches record temperatures of 22 millikelvinimproving the stability of qubits. 🔍 This innovation uses circuits superconductors and operates without external control thanks to ambient heat. 🔬 By reducing qubit errors, this technology could transform areas like medicine and the encryption. 💡 The refrigerator's autonomous system facilitates the deployment of …

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8 Best Property Line Apps for Android & iOS (2025)

Best Property Line Apps 1

When looking for the best property line apps for your smartphone, you must consider accurate readings and real-time data. While plenty of apps do that, not all of them work correctly. Whether you’re a real estate agent, a surveyor, a floor planner, or someone who owns a property, if you’ve been looking for apps that’ll …

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This fuel-free space engine defies the laws of physics and could revolutionize our journey to the stars

ce moteur spatial sans carburant defie les lois de la physique et pourrait revolutionner notre voyage vers les etoiles

IN BRIEF 🚀 A NASA engineer is developing a fuelless propulsion defying the laws of physics. ⚙️ The engine uses principles electromagnetic to generate thrust without mass expulsion. 🌌 If viable, this innovation could revolutionize space exploration reducing fuel requirements. 🔍 Criticisms and controversies persist, calling into question the compatibility with established physical laws. Space …

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“Tremble, Earthlings”: NASA’s Europa Clipper probe activates its scientific instruments en route to Jupiter

tremblez terriens lenigmatique sonde europa clipper de la nasa devoile ses secrets celestes

IN BRIEF 🚀 The probe Europa Clipper NASA begins deploying its scientific instruments to explore Europa. The magnetometer and radar antennas are essential for detecting an ocean beneath the icy surface. The mission aims to determine whether Europe's environment could potentially shelter life. The journey includes gravity assist maneuvers around Mars and the Terre before …

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“We saw Santa’s sleigh”: the strange glow of Starlink satellites worries, and here’s why

ces satellites starlink qui transforment notre ciel en spectacle inquietant

The sky over Franche-Comté recently offered an astonishing spectacle, arousing wonder and concern. Indeed, Starlink satellites, launched by SpaceX, crossed the horizon, appearing to form a luminous train in the night. These apparitions, although fascinating, raise many questions about the environmental and scientific implications of their massive deployment. Top 11 free racing games on Android! …

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Free IPTV – Review, Features and Installation Guide


IPTV delivers television services through the Internet Protocol Suite instead of cable or satellite signal. It is a reliable and secure option to watch live TV, time-shifted TV, and video-on-demand content. services IPTV stream media using IP protocol to smart TV, smartphone, set-top box, PC, media player, etc. These services are a low-cost option to …

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Elon Musk Unveils Free, Surprising Starlink Feature to Save Lives

elon musk devoile une fonctionnalite starlink gratuite et surprenante pour sauver des vies

The service could be a game-changer for smartphone users in blackout zones, but details remain unclear. Google, Nvidia, Ford, Toyota… the autonomous car is already here! Elon Musk announces free emergency service Currently, it is not clear when the Direct-to-cell service will be commercially available. However, Elon Musk has already revealed that this offer will …

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