Waze is finally rolling out this long-awaited feature that will transform your daily journeys

cette nouvelle fonction de signalement vocal sur waze promet de revolutionner la conduite pour 150 millions drsquoutilisateurs

IN BRIEF 🚗 Waze transforms driving with its community system, enabling reports in real time for optimized journeys. 🗣️ The new functionality of voice reporting improves safety by reducing phone-related distractions while driving. 🎵 Thanks to its integrations, such as Spotify, Waze enriches the user experience by offering personalized and connected navigation. 🔍 The application …

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Mars: this revolutionary concrete combines regolith and human blood to build cities at 2 million dollars per brick

mars ce beton revolutionnaire allie regolithe et sang humain pour batir des cites a 2 millions de dollars la brique

IN BRIEF 🚀 Ambition to colonize Mars faces construction challenges, with costs estimated at two million dollars per brick. Researchers propose using the Martian regolith combined with bodily fluids to create an innovative building material called AstroCrete. Inspired by ancient techniques, this approach would use human serum albumin to strengthen the résistance of the material. …

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