This titanic 20 billion watt project: the United States is preparing to revolutionize global energy thanks to unlimited renewable resources

20 milliards de watts cette revolution energetique us electrise le monde et promet une puissance illimitee pour tous

IN BRIEF ⚡ The United States is investing massively in an inexhaustible source of energy, aiming to produce 20 billion watts. 🔬 Key technologies include nuclear fusionsolar and wind energy, which promise an energy revolution. 📈 This investment generates jobs and strengthens the United States' international position in renewable energy. 🌍 The environmental implications are …

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“We saw Santa’s sleigh”: the strange glow of Starlink satellites worries, and here’s why

ces satellites starlink qui transforment notre ciel en spectacle inquietant

The sky over Franche-Comté recently offered an astonishing spectacle, arousing wonder and concern. Indeed, Starlink satellites, launched by SpaceX, crossed the horizon, appearing to form a luminous train in the night. These apparitions, although fascinating, raise many questions about the environmental and scientific implications of their massive deployment. Top 11 free racing games on Android! …

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