This revolutionary folding Samsung for less than €1,000 could finally see the light of day in 2025 and shake up the market

ce samsung pliant revolutionnaire a moins de 800 e pourrait enfin voir le jour en 2025 et bouleverser le marche

IN BRIEF 📱 Samsung aims to revolutionize the market with an affordable folding smartphone planned for 2025. 💡 Technological advancements include sturdier screens and reinforced hinges. 💶 Consumers expect a model priced below €1000, combining sustainability and innovation. 🌍 Such a launch could redefine industry standards and stimulate global innovation. In the fascinating world of …

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BMW revolutionizes electric autonomy: suspensions that transform shocks into energy, a world first

bmw revolutionne lautonomie electrique des suspensions qui transforment les chocs en energie une premiere mondiale

IN BRIEF 🚗 BMW offers innovative technology that transforms the movement of suspicions in electricity. 🔋 This solution aims to increase theautonomy electric cars by recovering kinetic energy. 🌍 The automotive industry is exploring ways to make vehicles more durables and effective. 💡 Challenges include assessing effectiveness, cost of implementation and sustainability of the system. …

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How to Turn Off Green Light on Apple Watch?

How to Turn off Green Light on Apple Watch

In this guide, I will show you how to turn off the green light on Apple Watch. The green light on the back of the Apple Watch serves as a visual indicator for the wrist detection feature, which uses the green light to detect when the watch is on the wrist and when it is …

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10 Best Public Speaking Apps for Android and iPhone

Best Public Speaking Apps for Android and iPhone 1

Communication is an essential skill required everywhere. No form of communication depicts professional-grade knowledge, leadership skills, and advanced practical abilities as precisely as public speaking does. Public speaking is the ability to communicate, influence and empower a large group of people by communicating your thoughts accurately and efficiently. Most people fail at public speaking because …

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Why I Prefer Nintendo Switch Online for Playing Old Games

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There are plenty of ways to indulge in retro gaming these days, but nothing beats playing them on Nintendo Switch. Thanks to Nintendo Switch Online, checking out hundreds of classic games that were available on NES, SNES, N64, Game Boy, and Sega Genesis has never been easier. Experiencing retro gaming through Nintendo Switch Online provides …

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